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  • These files are here for your listening enjoyment all are from out of print non-reissued spoken word and audio gems from my own vinyl collection. If for any reason any of the files posted are infringing or creating a problem please let me know and i will remove them forth with or somethin' like that most importantly this site is about enjoying music and all are encouraged to LISTEN TO & BUY MUSIC SUPPORT ARTISTS AND DO NOT HOT LINK TO MY FILES IT IS NOT COOL. Thanks and have FUN Oh Yea One more thing I've switched to "approve comments" mode for the time being as these bad vibes all round type places like to spam some of my posts so it might be a day or two until your comments appear Thanks for Understanding
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Member since 07/2003

« Seven in Seven Day 4 | Main | Seven in Seven Day 6 »





why do I have to be the first to comment? ...maybe cuz time stands still where I am... haven't seen this one in a while...though I did see "The Trip" recently...the one where Jack Nicholson sways around and pretends to play the meanest guitar ever (I think his character's name is 'Stoney' - ) ANYWAY...good pick...there should be no other music on the internet but motorcycle movie soundtracks


Yeah Stu Phillips one of my fave composers. I must share his seventies album one day. How can you share 7 albums in 7 days? One a week is hard enough! Great job tho keep up good work.


great record. Angels From Hell, also has some good tracks of his - if you can find it. Super big thanks for your efforts here.


Great soundtrack ! I can understand why it's your favorite. Thanks again.

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