Welcome my Friends to the shoe that never fits or something like that actually i know so little abut this most excellent Lp that it's downright humiliating, It's based on the teachings of Edgar Cayce who was a Physic and Healer among other gifts and that's about all i know except that it is an Awesome, really bangin' example of late 60's early 70 hard rock going deep... Now Dig!
OK, Brother...this one gets an A + just for the cover alone...orange and blue spirals should be the album cover standard
PS - we've got "I Was a Teenage Brain Surgeon" over at HPS (indefinitely) - lots of ridiculous monster songs - 18 mp3s in a monstrous compilation
Will listen to POE later...thanks for the music, you're helping it turn into a real musically-memorable one -- KB in the LBC
Posted by: Kurt B | 06/23/2005 at 17:55
The Playboys of Edinbburg:
This band originated from McAllen but were later based in Houston and played between 1965-70. Their music was a mixture of punk, folk-rock and rock'n'roll with their first two singles best described as garage-folk. By the time of their three 45s for "123" they had become more rock orientated. In 1970 they changed their name to P.O.E. making an LP and a 45 for UNI. A decent album in a heavy/psych vein, Up Through The Spiral is a concept LP based on the life of Edgar Cayce.
and now you know... the rest of the story.
Posted by: paul harvey | 06/24/2005 at 08:11
It's a whole new world here, I'm Blogrooling you for sure, thanks !!
IanB @ RetroBabe!
Posted by: IanB | 06/24/2005 at 17:05
I like it, alrighty!
Posted by: mikey | 06/25/2005 at 00:13
Thanks for all your hard work. Any chance we'll see this files posted again?
Posted by: Chad | 04/05/2006 at 21:54
Yea, cool cover and songs. What is the thing in the middle of the spiral?, I think i'm tuning in.
Posted by: mike | 06/24/2006 at 11:04
Was just introduced to this album recently by a friend who burned me a CD of it from the net. Really good early 70s stuff.
I'm curious, is there a lyric sheet included in this album?
If so, could there be a way to see it or get a copy?
Posted by: Don | 05/02/2008 at 10:32