Deep summer is when laziness finds respectability.- So said Sam Keen Thank goodness i now have a legit excuse it's still frikkin' hot hot hot but I'm digging late night walking in the heat night walking has always had a liverating effect on me ....that's a typo but i decided to leave it liverating get it doh! So if your staying in doors until the sun goes down here a few places to tap on to as well as the <----long list of places to your left
If you don't know by now GMT+9 is relocating here yep I'm good with the old news
Secret Agent Xtabay has got some awesome sounds up at the moment
Check out this cat he is on to something or on something you decide I feel like I've put this up before but it's still a great click around - CWCD
I had a good friend who really loved these things this for you bro
Halloween (and Kalsang's Birthday) is a few months off yet but this place will feed the need for spooky & groovy tuneage
If you haven't gotten WFMU's Pastor John Rydgren's "sermons" do it today it's hot out and your not that busy and they are that good (originally tipped off to this here a while ago)
For the goings on in NY real estate and other urban conundrums I've been checking here on the daily
Alrighty don't forget if your in Brooklyn and got a yen for Power Pop check out Surefire at Southpaw tonight!
Oh Yeah! Happy Birthday Mom!