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  • These files are here for your listening enjoyment all are from out of print non-reissued spoken word and audio gems from my own vinyl collection. If for any reason any of the files posted are infringing or creating a problem please let me know and i will remove them forth with or somethin' like that most importantly this site is about enjoying music and all are encouraged to LISTEN TO & BUY MUSIC SUPPORT ARTISTS AND DO NOT HOT LINK TO MY FILES IT IS NOT COOL. Thanks and have FUN Oh Yea One more thing I've switched to "approve comments" mode for the time being as these bad vibes all round type places like to spam some of my posts so it might be a day or two until your comments appear Thanks for Understanding
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Member since 07/2003

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this is one funky LP! I wouldn't have been able to tell just from looking at it.

I love the Broman soundtracks, so anything that inspired them would surely be welcome listening!


awesome sound library is indeed some of the best background type music you can find. funky stuff. more library shares would be a blessing :)

Carl Howard

There's about two different Freedom Power tracks, from this LP, on one of those Italian Easy Tempo samplers, but to have the whole LP! I never would have thought it possible. I hope you'll share the album/catalogue details!

E Grotz

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE would love to know who does "Metropolis Notte" and "Dopping 2000"!!!




I'm crazy about this compilation... especially the "Privacy" track. (It sounds like Alain Goraguer!)

Dear Record Brother, where can I find the artist listing?

Captain Scurvy

to trevor and carl,
it's not a various artists comp. the artist is freedom power. all of the tracks are by freedom power. hope that helps.


the musicians of Freedom Power are Gebriele Ducros,Sandro Brugnolini,Enrico Pierannunzi and Silvano Chimenti

C. Sobieniak

Well this made my day!

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