Not a huge fan of Sound Library stuff but damn if some of it isn't the finest non-descript background music that really can handle being in the for ground for-ground. Some of the tracks on this little piece of chicken might be familiar to the few of ya who dug on the Broman™ files.
This Lp is right off of Mr. Finegolds shelf's yep old Jerry was tanked up good one night and decided that he no longer need "things" that "things" and the pursuit of them had caused him all his life's troubles and he gave me a few crates of gooey gooby musical goodness of course a few days later he called me up all pissed off that someone had broken into his flat and taken a few crates of records and not being able to get a word in edge wise hadda listen to his tirade on what he was going to do to the sneaky no good Bavarian who'd done it (Jerry also had some strange paranoia about Bavarians he thought they controlled the IMF CBS ABC and the Boy Scouts to mention a few) anyway he sort of scared me so i wasn't about to tell him i had his Lp's but told him I'd go looking in the nabe too see if anyone was trying to sell a bunch of Lp's after a few days rang him up and told them I'd found them in a dumpster on 2nd Ave, I took the liberty of transferring some of the best over to digi and will share them over the next little while...
1.Sigla RP
3.Dopping 2000
8.Love For Sale
9.Freedom Power
10.Metropolis Notte
11.Trip Free
this is one funky LP! I wouldn't have been able to tell just from looking at it.
I love the Broman soundtracks, so anything that inspired them would surely be welcome listening!
Posted by: spacesick | 12/07/2005 at 01:41
awesome sound library is indeed some of the best background type music you can find. funky stuff. more library shares would be a blessing :)
Posted by: jahrome | 12/10/2005 at 21:47
There's about two different Freedom Power tracks, from this LP, on one of those Italian Easy Tempo samplers, but to have the whole LP! I never would have thought it possible. I hope you'll share the album/catalogue details!
Posted by: Carl Howard | 12/16/2005 at 21:41
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE would love to know who does "Metropolis Notte" and "Dopping 2000"!!!
Posted by: E Grotz | 12/17/2005 at 16:37
Posted by: nico | 01/22/2006 at 13:20
I'm crazy about this compilation... especially the "Privacy" track. (It sounds like Alain Goraguer!)
Dear Record Brother, where can I find the artist listing?
Posted by: Trevor | 02/06/2006 at 11:57
to trevor and carl,
it's not a various artists comp. the artist is freedom power. all of the tracks are by freedom power. hope that helps.
Posted by: Captain Scurvy | 03/18/2006 at 13:06
the musicians of Freedom Power are Gebriele Ducros,Sandro Brugnolini,Enrico Pierannunzi and Silvano Chimenti
Posted by: kreath | 06/18/2006 at 12:35
Well this made my day!
Posted by: C. Sobieniak | 07/07/2006 at 01:18