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Knew Rules

  • These files are here for your listening enjoyment all are from out of print non-reissued spoken word and audio gems from my own vinyl collection. If for any reason any of the files posted are infringing or creating a problem please let me know and i will remove them forth with or somethin' like that most importantly this site is about enjoying music and all are encouraged to LISTEN TO & BUY MUSIC SUPPORT ARTISTS AND DO NOT HOT LINK TO MY FILES IT IS NOT COOL. Thanks and have FUN Oh Yea One more thing I've switched to "approve comments" mode for the time being as these bad vibes all round type places like to spam some of my posts so it might be a day or two until your comments appear Thanks for Understanding
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Member since 07/2003

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a friend of mine has a similar blog entitled TOESTUBBER. through his site i linked to RECORD ROBOT, through which i linked to your site. so far, RECORD BROTHER seems closest to my interests, although i really like the other blogs also. i've enjoyed the sixties rock and can't wait to download some of the soundtrack tunes (i'm still stuck with dial-up). i've been collecting bits of movie soundtracks for a while now, mostly taking them straight out of the movies, incidental sound thrown in and all. for instance, in the movie BULLITT there is a great Lalo Schifrin tune with the sounds of V-8 engines rumbling through the background. it beats hearing the tune clean from the soundtrack record.

i was a peripheral acquaintance of Keily Jenkins, through a mutual friend. i live on the same block where his studio is. he was a funny guy with a great talent. one of his dioramas was recently featured in a big art show concerning the east village in the eighties. his piece was one of the best in the show. i'm sorry that he passed away. it's a real shame.


thanks recordbrother. your last few soundtrack posts rocked my world! King Solomon should be up there in that pantheon of great blacksploitation soundtracks alongside Shaft and company. sorry it took so long to thank you.

I loved this biker mix too. gonna check my old hard drive to see if I got all of it, way back when.


Love the site, just stumbled on it m - put the biker mix up ASAP for me!

Yes right away sir get real what does last time posting mean to you bro' No Please No Thank You No Service (being rude and demanding is never funny)

Scott Coleman

Hello, I'm new to your cool site and wanted to know how to listen to the biker mix ( I told ya I was new at this!) I love your site! thanks!


Hi there,
Your site is amazing. Any chance you could tell me where I can download the Biker mix as my father in law is a big bad biker and really into his hog movies. Giving him that might score me some points with the old man and god knows I could do with them.
Thanks mate and keep up the brilliant work! Alex

Thom Dunn a.k.a. "DJ 40 oz."

I really like your "Vinyl Rules" image!!! I want to use it on my website (which is under construction) at if you would be so kind as to allow me to.

Please email me if I can use it.



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