This gem of Soundtrack sparkles with the innocence of youth and has a scent of things to come I just watched the movie version of This awesome Skate Doc and stumbled on to this great site while doing some searchin' for this post. The movie wasn't my cuppa per se but ya know if i had a kid i'd really want him or her to dig this after school special type movie (not my words but accurate so i use them thanks AK) as he or she would already be skatin' not that i was ever up to guy's like Andy Kessler or Frankie Cortner (R.I.P) but i used to use the beast to get around town and had a blast doing it nothing fancy just transport anyway all this blah blah is leading up to this awesome soundtrack
Skaterdater the film was nominated for an Oscar in 1965 and in 66 won the Grand Prick at Cans so there ya go never have gotten to see the flick but have dug these instrumental treats for years now and I'm happy to be able to share them with you
enjoy yo
1.The Fountain
2.Skaterdater I
3.Missy & The Statue
4.Skaterdater II
5.Skate Out
6.Skaterdater Rock
7.Together I
9.Skate Board Safari
10.Skaterdater III
11.Together II
12.Skaterdater IV
13.Missy's Theme
Skaterdater was the first soundtrack written by Mike Curb (of The Congration fame). He went on to score such classics as The Glory Stompers and Mondo Hollywood. As head of MGM Records, he initiated a purge of all acts he felt were drug-related. He went on to become the Republican Lt-Governor of California. Quite a turnaround.
Posted by: MadCatJoey | 12/04/2005 at 15:04
Hi Recordbrother,
thanks for your discoveries.
I found this: The Soundtrack is on Mira Records, LP-3004 by 'Davie Allan & the Arrows'
Posted by: reader_lu | 12/10/2005 at 07:18
Thanks for the stuff!
Posted by: detroitsuperlfy | 12/10/2005 at 10:46
I remember this film from when I was a little kid. We copped some of the tricks from it, before the Dogtown Boys upended skateboarding style forever. It's mostly just a group of young guys doing tricks, then one of them catches the eye of a young girl and a love interests develops. Faced with the dilemma, he has to choose between the girl or his buddies.
He makes a big mistake.
I'd love to see this again, I remember it was pretty innocent and funny, at times.
Posted by: Windansea Beach Boy | 12/12/2005 at 16:21
short clip from (same?) film:
Posted by: | 01/08/2006 at 12:45
this is outstanding. thanks for taking the time to dub the record, chop it into mp3s, photograph the cover, and post it on the internet for free download.
Posted by: ryansupak | 01/19/2006 at 12:57
Awesome. A friend of mine has the sound track as well but we have never seen the movie.
Posted by: Mostlyskateboarding | 03/08/2006 at 11:40
thanks a lot for this nicE post... my fav0rite is the traCk 'TOGETHER II"...
i think this song won't be out of place in a cowboy western movie, the scene where the cowboy surveys the dreamy but vanishing landscape of America. very nostaLgic and beautifuL. i find myself listening to this song in your blogsp0t every so often.
i'm curious to see this movie, too.
Posted by: Fredda | 03/16/2006 at 21:37
Hi, thanks a lot for this pearl of an album! Much appreciated. Keep up the good stuff!
Posted by: TheScarletPimpernel | 03/17/2006 at 06:33
This is 50's surfer music. Just a tip for anyone who was expecting something a little bit more funky...
Posted by: Dr. Derty | 06/16/2006 at 13:29
Finnish spy/surf instro band Laika and the Cosmonauts covered "Skater Dater" -- presumably for the movie "Iron Horse Men" -- with a hilarious movie-trailerish voice intro ("reckless youth! fast hogs! HELL is their only address!") -- it's on "The Amazing Colossal Band" CD (Upstart/Rounder, 1995). Thanks SO much for giving us the original soundtrack.
Posted by: Dan | 07/24/2006 at 11:21
I just saw Skater Dater yesterday in cinema, kinda as a Double Feature with "Endless Summer".
Thanks for providing this Stuff for free, thanks a lot!
Benni from Munich
Posted by: Benni | 10/31/2006 at 05:55
I saw the movie, and was in the studio when this was recorded. After 40 plus years, its still awesome
Posted by: Michele Wood | 01/23/2007 at 20:17
Great seeing this film again since, I think the late 6o's. California looked so great and as teenagers we just wanted to be there. What an innocent time.
Posted by: Des Meade | 08/06/2007 at 08:10
Wow, the last time I heard this music/saw this film was at a drive-in in Portland, Oregon, back in 1966. I loved it then, I love it now. THANKS for bringing this gem back to us.
Posted by: Craig Figley | 09/24/2007 at 16:15
Thanks so much for sharing this, dude!
Posted by: Martin | 12/25/2008 at 18:08