If you've never seen a Dude Broman™ Film your not alone, made on a shoestring budget rife with production problems mostly stemming from way over inflated egos, booze and god knows what else.A bad, no really really bad distribution deal didn't help maters much and pretty much ensured that they'd rarely be shown outside of a few select Triple X theaters odd because they're not X rated material at all not even a little bit and there is about 12 of them (and of course the rumored 13Th but that's another story all together) the titles of the films give a glimpse at there profundity or lack there of.
"Something Stinks" , "Flower Power and Gunpowder", "The Missing Teeny Bopper", "You Don't Know From Trouble" "Destination Mozambique" and on and on you'll get the full movie titles in the tracks I'm sharing with ya's anyway so i won't waste space here.
Dude Broman™ made his film debut in the early 80's with a film set in the 60's "Flower Power & Gunpowder a possible reaction to the phoniness of the era and blah film stuff that was happening (Si-fi was hitting it but hard boiled detective films were in short supply Fletch and Remo etc..) there has never been nor will there probably ever be a retrospective of his work as most of the original films were destroyed in a suspicious fire, seems Dude had a way with he ladies and sometimes things got out of hand and one night several years ago an old flame decided to flambe Dude's storage locker wiping out decades of work and original prints some video transfers had been made but none have the sound on them so we're working on bring these beauties back to life but it's gonna take a long long time.
As Director, Writer,Producer and Star as well as Name sake of the films Dude only gave it up in the music department because other than his own short lived Lounge singer "entertainer" career Dude knew little or nothing about music so he allowed his old college buddy Mr. Jerry Finegold to do the scores Mr. Finegold wasn't the most proficient composer but he knew a good beat or song when he heard it so he mimicked, covered or out and out stole some great soundtrack stuff here is the first 33 tracks of Dude Broman-Public Guy Private Dick-Selected Cuts From The Original Soundtracks (65 tracks total) it took a lot of cajoling to get Mr. Finegold to let me do this so I hope the endless nights of boozing where not for naught and that you all enjoy them as much as i do I'll put up the second half of the tracks in a few days and then leave them all up for a while......
dude_broman_track_1 15.zip